Why do jobs pay so little reddit

Sooo. Number two FL has been a destination state for those seeking better weather/better lifestyle and some will take a lower paycheck in exchange. New comers can be turned into bankers within a matter of months. I would never even do a preliminary interview without a pay range. Annual salary $30,000Monthly wage $2,500Weekly wage $577Daily wage $115. Point of the story, industry and location plays a huge part when it comes to salary and if you do your research, work hard to become a good job candidate, and are persistent enough, you can crush the Undesirable positions in remote locations often have somewhat reasonable pay like $12-18/hr. Flight pay, which for an eight year captain is $500 a month. Higher salaries tend to be concentrated amongst HQ staff, with lower salaries amongst branch office staff. The construction can’t keep up, and so housing prices are exploding. If no one suitable applies they'll have to up the salary offer until they find the right candidate, they might find plenty of suitable candidates willing to do it for minimum wage, why would a business pay more for something it doesn't have to. [deleted] ADMIN MOD. CTO-depends in the org size but you get into the deep 7 figures for sure. It is hard work and physically demanding but if you keep yourself in shape you'll be OK. ADMIN MOD. Indeed, a greater percentage of Americans have a bachelor's degree today than had a high school diploma 80 years ago. Long job hunts. Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. It depends where you work. Senior accountants are usually paid 70-80k+ and Accounting Managers break six-figures with several years of experience. So of you are learning the trade, it could easily take you 3x book time to get a job done. A lot of people wanted to get more education and go for that kind of job, they pay it because they can. It's extremely stressful, overwhelming sometimes and theirs a good chance your working 8 to 10 hour days with 2 weeks off a year max. The average benefits alone mount up to 46k a year ONTOP of your salary, while the public sector averages 15k (not to mention the job stability aspect since unions). I started at 11. to get the job that allows you to eat only PB&Js everyday. But professional musicians (like with orchestras) can make 6 figures. Salaries are low because people are willing to do a job for that price. In smaller towns and cities where they regularly have to drive on more rural roads they are put at much higher risk of collision with wildlife, pedestrians and other drivers. A good first step would be to gradually increase minimum wage. At my job I started at 12 dollars and I was 18 and we started talking about hourly pay and HR try to hire 1 person to do a job for a whole IT department while paying entry level. In the US - I had a salary, a bonus, 401k match (up to 3%), and the company paid some towards my insurance. Other fields that can pay a lot are economics (some places offer $300k out the gate for a bachelors in financial economics), computer science, and other stem. This is the reason why teachers are paid crap, too. I still think that is lower than it should be but not too bad for entry level seasonal jobs. Most jobs pay around 60k - 80k or less. So if you look at the job of cashier for example… there's a much larger pool of people who are capable of being a cashier. High stress jobs usually pay the most money. Programming is where the big money is but you'll do little machining. I think you have to consider the population you’re working with. Pay ranges on a significant spectrum. You can have zero skills and a felony record and get a job stocking warehouse shelves for around the same amount. Full Episode Aug 7, 2013 · That’s because, over the past three decades, the U. I’m surprised these guys haven’t kept up with the times. Trades are for sure in high demand, however depends on where you’re at. Number three for many years FL was much more dependent upon tourism and those jobs tended to pay crummy wages. Most employers try to pay as little as they can. I agree technician salaries has decreased thru the years instead of increasing. Partially because a lot of these jobs are getting merged into mechanical engineers' workloads. There is always a difference between private and public salaries even public schools only pay in the region of 15k yuan. I still see these jobs listed at low pay rates like $10. I get it, we aren't engineers but the offered pay just seems low. Money isn't everything. and you can only work less than 20 hours a week. Share. I do a mixture of both and I think manual machining is invaluable. Why pay at all: Incentive. It's the same reason why IT sectors pay so little. In the past, leadership positions tend to get pay more because they were the final decision making and they would take the responsibility for the fall out (you are responsible for what your joes do or fail to do). 128 votes, 169 comments. ChemE = profit center. Wage growth keeps climbing. Senior Managers get paid even more and Partners/CFOs usually make over 200k depending on the size of the firm. Its very slow to move up in pay progression. The prestige is priced in. 56 or $9 an hour for some of these positions is insulting. Usually start at 40-50% of licensed wages then move up and after 5 years or so you'll be licensed. In general if you're an apprentice in a trade that requires a license you will receive a pay raise after each round of schooling. Where government pay tends to be lower than private: Summary: Government positions average less pay than private, but can vary depending on situation. Usually these are fast food restaurants or coffee shops that teenagers or college students are supposed to work at to gain experience/work ethic. 11 after 23 years Im at $31. 4) There are usually less working hours at a university job. ) Also: a sense of purpose and pride, even if it sounds odd: in prison everything begins to be relative. A year later he leveraged that to obtain a job making 90k (the job being in Colorado did play a factor in the salary bump due to cost of living). I ran research boats for a pretty big state run facility. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. This causes them to start teachers off lower by necessity, since the job is guaranteed and if you start them off too high you're stuck with a bigger bill. The rest of the pay has to come from the company, which obviously eats into profits. Same for comparable jobs in MA and CT. 30k is also an extremely high salary for a kindergarten, whilst 10-13k is average for a university job. S. Every other entry level job not Mcondalds starts off at least $20-25 an hour. Because of no profit 😂. Diver/welders make less than top side welders. It is worthwhile (in theory) for me to pay him up to 149. Try paying your tool bill, and rent on 3 dollars an hour. These positions could be outsourced to employees from less developed countries, who are willing to take up lower pay as compared to an equally-qualified Singaporean. Where I live, in WA state, Mcdonalds employees are paid $17 an hour. The EMT job was listed at $20/h and the Paramedic job was at $32/h. For a more skilled and degree required position, you will receive higher pay than for a less skilled and non-degree required position. In the EU - I had a salary, a bonus, a pension that they contributed (10% of my salary to, and private health insurance that they paid 100% of. Exactly! These professions were popular when couples stayed married, men made enough to support the household but women wanted something to do. You're not paid for how good you are at the job but 50-60k is usually starting in most areas. Most managers suck at risk assessment and don’t grasp what is at stake with poor cybersecurity until things go bad. r/DeepThoughts A chip A close button. The supply and demand law also applies to skilled jobs. Just curious, I’ve been browsing jobs for a while now and I’ve seen Casinos and Universities post jobs online that pay so little. You also hold immense responsibility for the success of the organization. Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports on why these vital workers get paid so little. Outside of those fields, chemical engineering pay is about average for other engineering disciplines, but the job opportunities are more limited and the available jobs are often shittier. I recently took a £5k pay cut to move to a job with a better benefits package, it also offers training but still. 99 million because that's still profitable. Because she’s convinced someone, or someone has been convinced, that whatever she does so is worth that much money. a lot of money because it's a very lucrative industry, and therefore can afford to pay their employees a lot. I have literally seen positions requiring an M. ) Compensation is different. This isn't a perfect analogy, but it's close. You think that's bad . At least in STEM. I suppose a lucky few will find amazing jobs as say the bioethicist at google or something, but so long as there is a surplus of qualified individuals willing to work a TTAP job for $60k a year, the university won't pay a penny more than they have to. The caveat is that your job is to lead and manage people and that is a vastly different skill set than tactical engineering. Thats really all it is, everyone gets paid as much as they can convince someone else to pay them without getting undercut by competition. Today, it's over 30%. Money is one of the benefits you can get from a job. Profit center always pay more than cost center. Many reasons, but the biggest are education / low barrier to entry, fire department culture, and poor political representation. I really think that these jobs are going to have a hard time being filled by talented people tbh because the pay is so crappy. I started this job out of college making $17. 8. I've been a fedex ground driver for a few years, and it pays on average $25-30 an hour. Paying $8. Our world has changed. Being an academic gives you a lot more freedom than a lot of other jobs, especially if you make it. They are behind the times by about 30% in pay. You’re gonna wanna talk to the firefighters union about that one bud. A few European and North American online schools have figured out they could rake in more money by just hiring teachers from the Philippines and South Africa (for example) because they could just pay the teachers there in the region of 10-14 EUR/USD (or even less). 50 for journeyman. This means that new lower level employees coming in off the street need to have little to no previous industry experience to perform the job. Don't expect a raise either. My first tech job started me at $14 in the early 2000s. Being an academic is prestigious. People get shittier drawings, and shittier design, but they were able to cut 10 positions in a company of 5,000 people. A lot of machining has gone way to cnc. £25k ~ $30,000. Hmm, I've seen many people "defect" from the profession to design McDonald's, Tesco & Walmart stores & other unsexy buildings. Lower salary, better benefits or higher salary, not so great benefits. )Hourly wage$14. Because everyone is willing to do unskilled labor just for the chance to get discovered. Capitalism man. It ultimately comes down to what brings in a lot of money, and unfortunately science is not one of those areas. This totals to $8,470 a month before taxes. 50 years ago less than 10% of adult Americans had a bachelor's degree. Pressure welders make 38-50 in the city around here. u/lottacloudmoney went from $14/hr ($29,120) to $33. Because at least some employers (mine did, anyway) will allow you to turn in your jury duty paycheck in return for a day's paycheck at the business. Why does UCF pay so little for on-campus positions? General. Like come on people. Pay is so hilariously low in this field. The pay scale is basically determined by your job in my program. The BASIC answer to your question is that salary for workers works similarly to price of goods. Even for shitty pay, these careers are very competitive - which is why you need the education, unpaid intern experience, etc. That salary is highly skewed by oil and gas. Sure there are times where there are multiple people doing the same job so there is a range, but that can be posted. They can pay less because they are a huge name and massive state employer. Ananzithespider. r/labrats. 50/hr. Doctors and engineers, albeit very important jobs don't generate income this way. 5% increase in salary from the first year. That type of employee, because they don’t have previous experience, will be excepting of lower pay in addition to career training. Award. We attract many top European scientists for faculty positions. I was salary at my last job, but gutted to learn that the front desk staff were all making under $12 with zero raises in three years, and then they quit. In general roles in companies where you’re a cost centre and not a revenue generator, you can expect to be paid less. Started at $8. There are several horrifying realities for why teachers pay is so terrible. Posted by u/backgroundN015e - 23 votes and 31 comments It's physically exhausting, most people don't last a week and less last for more than a year (unless your in the office or in management). or PhD paying $12/hour. Supply and demand. Theres not as many people willing to do hard jobs, so hard jobs pay more as the supply of workers is low while the demand for those workers is high. In Canadian dollars, a HACCP (food safety) Coordinator position will very rarely pay over $50k, usually in the low 40s. They worked for little pay because it was an enjoyable way to get out of the house and help people. Maybe very few people try and do the job she does. For my particular industry this has proven to be the case. Why can't most jobs pay $20+ an hour so anyone who's willing to work 40 hours a week can at least keep a roof over their head and eat everyday? Teachers are the reason a lot of jobs exist, so why do they get so little pay? Aren't they one of the most important jobs? In my experience it's because the pay is below market and they hope that they can get someone invested in the company before they hit them with a crap pay rate. 42. Generally the service writers make more than the techs and I’d say this is because they’ll hire a tech at the lowest rate that they can and not care as long as they output decent work. If you are as good as you say then you shouldn't have too much issue getting a decent job with good pay. Reimbursement is so low. I plan on doing a lab tech job as my first job for two years and then going off to an md/PhD program but man the pay I say guess because I didn't create the situation so I don't know why it exists. That doesn't typically apply to graduates where £25-30k is the norm in graduate schemes. We do it for the self loathing. Not doubting that the salary is a little high, but $15k increase per year is only a base 3. I went from $33,280 to almost $170,000 in 3 years by studying outside of work. Managers like people who bring in more than they cost. Like, there are fast food jobs here that pay more than that. our campus pays like $8-$12, $12 being rare. Like I don’t know how people just stay in this type of work for more than two years. You’re probably just looking at the wrong companies. Lots of people have the skills to do manual labour, so that keeps the wage down. Most head offices in Canada are clustered in Toronto and Calgary. Edited for spelling. There was maybe a security guard at St Cates college that was supposed to be unarmed, but was armed, shot him self, lied to the cops, but that does not count as an official armed security job. Everyone loves to blame the government, or rich people, or conservatives, or dolphins or whatever for perceived "income inequality". I do not recommend anyone to be a pharmacy technician anymore the pay is low for starters and the regulations to keep up certification and licenses are ridiculous. So if there is a difference in pay between contractors, that difference also manifests itself in benefits. They also have to maintain their vehicle with their own money, so factoring that in means they are actually making less than they would doing a less dangerous job. Then, lots of the 'minor' benefits were different. UPS pays between $35-49 an hour starting out. this low-key feels like Yes, you are generally correct. So this has two effects on people in the trade. Very few people can or even want to run a public company well. Dillyor. I was under the impression that such work often pays better than more interesting jobs - I worked at a one the most famous architecture firms in London and pretty much Proportional lack of head offices is part of the problem. Most community mental health jobs pay poorly, regardless of the level of education or work. I pay "James Bond" 100 million to be in my show. From what I know Unilever and P&G pays their marketing fresh grads 4-5k. Our student and postdoc levels are okay. This job requires experience, strong science education and you really do have to know your shit. If people want to know why the pay discrepancy so so high, all they have to do is ask themselves why they’ll drop $200 on a concert and not think but if the price of chicken goes 5% they have a problem. Not talking about owner-operator and billing price. It punishes people for learning at average or slow speed. This is so little pay for what the job requires you to do. 2. No college degree. Tradesmen and women are surpassing wages from college graduates and we will see a larger pay gap as time goes on. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Reply. I had an interview as a Food Safety Manager and the salary range was 55-60k. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. Usually it's insurance or state that pays for the care, and their motives aren't to get a stable, happy care home, but rather financial - to pay as little as possible. Trouble finding work with decent pay. Only 0. These people spoiled the market for us. thus the price equilibrium can and, often is, more than college work. why do part time jobs on campus pay so less? with the inflation, many salaries have been adjusted across america. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines. Here's a real example: Employment Specialist Salary Range: $50,775-$62,977 Minimum Qualifications: Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in a behavioral, social, health, or mental health, public health/administration and a minimum of three-years of experience in an appropriate field, and/or an equivalent combination of education and The Government pay scale has a lot of problems and STEM is an area where this becomes the most obvious. These accounts are hard to square with the record-long economic expansion and robust labor market described in headline statistics. I live in Florida and the wages here for electricians, plumbing, etc. Jul 26, 2018 · But there's a problem: The current median pay is just $10. Nasa is going to pay any engineer enough for them to live a decent life in their area, and the benefits and job security are likely better than in the private sector. Why do Research Assistants get paid so little? I work for a cancer hospital in a large hospital system in the northeast doing mostly qualitative research and some clinical trial stuff. They aren't being paid shite to design thousands of ADA bathrooms for Starbucks like everyone else. To be totally transparent, I’m making $75k in Washington as a fresh grad with an LHMCA. The government agencies have gotten around this by contracting out positions that are hard to fill on the government salary. But in this case, it's not any of those things (maybe the dolphins). You have demonstrated that teachers’ average pay is a little lower than that. Studies show that teachers work 55 hours per week, averaging out to as many hours as a person without summer vacations. Women are supporting themselves and their families. In this hypothesis, wages could be raised by improving the labor force's best alternative, by expanding the safety net. Outside of those industry hotspots its probable comparable to Mech Engr if not lower. When I had jury duty 3 years ago they paid $20 for a half day & $35 full day for the 1st day. Not many other careers could pay so little, because people aren't passionate about doing the work. . I was driving in Oakland the other day and saw a billboard advertising EMT/Paramedic jobs. I will wait. Most CPAs stay at the Senior or Manager level, though. economy has done a poor job of creating good middle-class jobs; five of the six fastest-growing job categories today pay less than the median wage. OSU has big name syndrome. And all days afterwards were $30 for half day and $50 for a full day. Businesses generally pay the lowest amount they can and it's easier to pay minors like shit because they don't have as many job options for more money. Just like the private sector. Stop worshipping at the alter of sports and entrainment. Accordingly, prices in that market face little-to-no downward pressure. Most mechanics work for flat rate. But actually jobs in Utah pay kinda well compared to average and cost of living is kinda low. They're criminal in the way they pay so they can pay the bigwigs massive amounts. People like prestige, so they can choose to get paid less and get more prestige instead. And, RRY's financial position is arguably above average. You can do something you love all day and make a decent living, or you can do something you dislike and make more. Athletes make more because society worships them. Work in a Union shop around here and you will make more money, but come slow times you will be out of a job quick. Door dash and those kinds of services pay even worse. I make $28/hr and top out in low 30s. 68. Because minors do not have living expenses like adults do. Not a lot of farmer worship going on. Guaranteed retirement check if they stay in for 20 years (under the old system) BAH, which varies from location to location, but in my area its about $1,5421 a month if you have dependents (wife and children). There are two major changes in the job market that underpin the "work at Starbucks after graduation" trend: Over-credentialing. And those with lower salaries are people like artists and philosophers. Plus all the bonus pay a person can get. VP of engineering is 250 to 400k. 65/hr ($70,000) in 87 days . 16. 49 per hour. 3. A lack of predictable hours. For instance, the tech industry pays programmars, electrical engineers, etc. WillNeverBreak. I'd say the difference is actually only about x2 in reality. CAD jockeys are a dime a dozen these days. That’s why, as a recent study by the economists John Schmitt and Janelle Jones has shown, low-wage workers are older and better educated than ever. I've often found if you earn £30k you'll struggle to find new job that pays better. Faculty positions (R1, science) in the US generally get paid a lot more than in Europe (except Switzerland). Not so in health care, where very few consumers directly pay for the goods and services they receive; instead, their insurance provider pays, which means that patients will tend to over-demand and over-consume health care services. People tell a different story. His name/face being in my show brings in 150 million in profit. Sad how it seems like pay hasn't risen a dime since then. •. Reply reply. And faculty funding and general support levels are generally better than in Europe. 1. Manual labour can be hard work, but wages are not based on how hard something is Their chance of getting into an accident are far higher than any other job with similar pay and skill requirements. This tends to be better than what civilians have to contend with. Never a better time to learn a trade. I know some guys making $15/hr, I also know some guys making $40+. • 10 mo. • 2 yr. Managed a group home in CT and looked for the same work in MA and left the field because even with experience it was $12-14 in the door. Things are changing a bit right now Supply and demand, theres alot of people with college degrees, so employers can afford to pay them peanuts. Something they can earn and build up and buy snacks or items in the prison commissary (a small shop. Chemist = cost center. Also, the pay is actually really great when you factor in free housing, free meals, free medical care, free education, free practical job training, 30 paid days of leave per year, and a slew of other benefits. And it's not like things are that much cheaper in the UK; while Brits pay less for groceries, they shell out more of their income for housing than Americans do Work Discussion. They take home a fraction of that after overhead, taxes, job costs etc. Management tends to divide all jobs into those that bring in money, and those that just cost money. However, the general agreement is that federal work life balance, benefits, and sense of purpose from the mission greatly exceeds the private sector in most instances. As supply goes up, prices go down, as demand goes up, prices go up. The pay is low, simply, because it exploits our passion. acoups. The average pay for a person with a bachelors degree is $68,000. Unemployment in both countries is about equal, and only a slightly smaller percent of Brits are high school grads, but median disposable income is 30% lower in the UK than in the US. Lab techs (research in general) get paid so low. 50 an hour, and after 2 years I’m making 22 an hour. are all extremely low. Right now the easiest high paying jobs to get into are blue-collar in certain trades because we pushed college a ton and ran low on people to fix stuff. Play that negotiation out millions of times across an increasingly broke, indebted population and it's no wonder why so many people are paid so little. 006% of Americans compromise federal sector civil jobs (excluding postal workers), the federal process is lengthy, rigorous, and competitive. The economy is FL is quickly changing. A lot of folks walk into IT with this mentality, and the ones who do make it that way don't make as much as they could. Even ballerinas make $70k. Utah’s cost of living is low and our wages are high, but the market is going mad right now because so many people are moving to Utah. many students prefer to work outside campus but intl students, like myself, are only allowed to work on campus. MembersOnline. Why is the EMT so little even in a place like here? Why do some jobs require so little? There is an unspoken, second possibility here which is about as difficult to implement as suddenly creating millions of new middle-class jobs: Reduce the class differences by increasing the expected salary in low-wage jobs. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Unless they’re offering benefits or something that i’m not aware, I see very little incentive for students to work here. 38Hours per week 40 (maybe more "salaried" aka unpaid overtime in the U. Maybe the reason they are paid so little is because not that much goes wrong. Like a basic job will say requirements are bachelor's or master's degree, 5-7 years of experience, and the duties will have a whole long list of things for that position and the pay is like $15/hr lol. Also, those jobs are traditionally female jobs, and thus seen as less worthy in our Western culture. The service advisor however has an obligation to display a brand image that faces the customer. Eh you can make a lot of money in nonprofits if you’re higher up. ago. Considering that tax bracket and the type of roles you could get in the private sector, that's below average. Unions makes it so you can't fire a teacher. Higher Ed is so low paying it’s ridiculous. Companies are relocating to FL (even from Europe) and Jobs that pay $15 an hour is not supposed to be long term careers that you depend on to pay your rent and all your bills. Talking about W2 jobs/employees of contractors and why take-home pay for journeyman carpenters is so low. There is simply lack of demand for technical-minded people. What they pay is determined either by minimum wage laws, or supply and demand. A health and safety coordinator salary will average In southern Alberta the avg is Around 32. ai xf lx rd ty oa nu nd zy td